Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Addition to Crecer is finished!

As of a little over a week now, Crecer con Amor is using its new classroom for more than 30 little four and five year olds.
I know that Monica, the staff member who uses this new space, is extremely pleased with it. Its something she has been needing for at least a year now.

Crecer con Amor is now starting its second construction of what will be a second floor addition. It will be used for training courses, education, and other activities. As I mentioned before, a donation from Amine Darrous, the unlce of a former volunteer, is the reason this great project is happening. It is an exciting time at Crecer con Amor!

As this next project unfolds, I will keep you posted.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pueden enviar mayor información de la estadia el tiempo de duración soy fer moncayo ecuatoriana soy sicologa infanitil tengo 29 años 2 hijas y me interesa su propuesta